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Square bottom portable paper bag machine application industry, the gap between paper bag machine manufacturing technology and international level

  • Publish Time: 2020-03-09
  • Visit: 648
        The square bottom portable paper bag machine is mainly used for outer packaging of clothing products, packaging of boot products, all kinds of gifts, and corporate image promotional bags. Because it is easy to carry and easy to degrade, it can recycle recycled paper, reduce air pollution, and protect the environment. Therefore, it has become one of the most useful green environmental protection products. The development of paper bag machinery has shown the integration of electromechanical, gas, liquid, light And magnetic as a whole, the production of high efficiency, energy-saving products can be recycled, high-tech practical, intelligent and other trends have become.
        There are mainly two types of square bottom portable paper bag machines in the market according to the way of feeding paper: one is a roll-type portable paper bag machine; the other is a single-sheet portable paper bag machine. Both devices have the features of automatic paper feeding, automatic gluing, automatic bottom paste, and automatic output. However, there are still shortcomings. First, after the finished paper bag is finished, there is an indentation on the front of the paper bag, which affects the aesthetic appearance of the product. Paper bag handles need to be manually pasted; Fourth, the production efficiency is low, about 40-60 per minute;
        Adapt to a limited range of paper, paper weight between 70-200g / m2. The shortcomings of the domestic paper bag making machines mentioned above have been basically solved by German and Japanese equipment. The purpose of the development of the square bottom paper bag machine is precisely to reach or approach the world advanced level, and to promote the development of the domestic square bottom paper bag machine.
        The first is the small number of product varieties and complete sets. Most of them are mainly produced in single machines in China, while most of them are produced in foreign countries. On the one hand, the variety of domestic equipment can not meet the needs of domestic food and packaging enterprises, and on the other hand, the profit of single machine production and sales of machinery plants is meager, and the high efficiency of complete equipment sales cannot be obtained. The complete set of equipment represents a more complete manufacturing capability, and it represents a more intelligent and efficient.
        The technical content of the machine is also relatively low, which is mainly manifested in poor product reliability, slow technology update speed, and low application of new technologies, new processes and new materials. There are more single machines and fewer complete sets of paper bag machines and packaging machines in China, more general models, and fewer equipment to meet special requirements and special materials. There are many low-tech products, few high-tech value-added products and high-productivity products. Intelligent equipment is still in the development stage or preliminary use stage.

        Insufficient development capacity leads to slow research and development and application of new technologies. At present, China's paper bag machine manufacturers are mainly imitation-oriented, or they have made local improvements to all foreign advanced equipment. Our development methods are backward, and product development lacks innovation and is difficult to reach the level. The means of production are backward. New product development is not only small, but also has a long development cycle. There are also some problems in the management of the enterprise. Many companies focus on production, despise technology research and development, and always follow the market.

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