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How to evaluate the quality of the paper bag machine

  • Publish Time: 2020-03-05
  • Visit: 597
        1. Deal with problems proactively. It is assumed that the defect presents an active diagnosis and treatment system. The implementation of this function can reduce the time for cleaning defects, labor costs and personnel training costs, and reduce some cases of suspension of operations due to small defects.
        2. Strong interconnectivity. To be able to conveniently and quickly end the communication between the single machines, so that the single machines are connected into a complete line, and also to conveniently and quickly end the single machine or the entire line and the upper-level monitoring system to end the monitoring, accounting and analysis of the packaging line power, power consumption and other policies foundation.
        3. Safety, energy saving and environmental protection. This includes maintaining the personal safety of equipment operators and commodity consumers to the limit, reducing power consumption as much as possible, and selecting appropriate skills to reduce the environmental impact of the production process on the environment.
        4. High precision, high speed and high efficiency. The equipment can not only operate at high speed and stability, but also reduce the abnormal production time as much as possible. This is a direct method of traveling power.

        5. Enhanced flexibility. You can change the type and packing method of the packaged goods by using only the data and simply performing a simple operation on the same packaging machine. This feature is very useful for small-batch, multi-type market needs.

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