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How to clean the paper tube machine better?

  • Publish Time: 2020-01-07
  • Visit: 621
        The paper tube machine will wear and contaminate after a long time of use, which will lead to a decline in performance. Therefore, the usual maintenance work is essential, but during maintenance, cleaning and lubrication are the most important steps. How to clean and lubricate the paper tube machine?
        First, the paper tube is mechanically cleaned. After the equipment is unpacked for inspection and dismantling, the coated anti-rust agent and iron scraps remaining inside, rust and dust accumulated during transportation and storage must be removed, and the device should be cleaned and cleaned.
         Second, the paper tube is mechanically smooth. After the various parts of the equipment table are clean, it can be oiled and smooth. It is necessary for the smooth oil to pass the test, and it can only be used after it is determined to meet the requirements. It is necessary to filter the smooth oil before participating in the equipment. The refueling should reach the regular oil standard orientation; everything should be smooth and the oil holes should be filled with smooth oil.
        This is the step of cleaning and lubricating. To maintain and clean the paper tube machine can improve the performance of the equipment, reduce the occurrence of problems, and extend the service life of the equipment. So it is essential to clean and lubricate the equipment.

        Paper tube packaging requires the support of paper tube raw materials, paper tube machinery is essential. Production of related paper tube products includes paper tube machinery, slitters, tube cutters, web slitters, sticker slitters, automatic tube cutters, etc. The products are used in papermaking, printing, packaging, textile and stationery And other industries have been widely used. In the past ten years of production, they have undergone numerous technological transformations, and have been continuously updated in design, technology, material selection and manufacturing to keep improving. The transformation from the original product to the current green environment indicates that the product will enter a brand new production stage.

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