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Fracture Analysis of Programmable Paper Cutter Fuse

  • Publish Time: 2019-12-25
  • Visit: 642
Program-controlled paper cutting machine is one of the necessary equipment of printing plants, and its role is to process paper cutting before and after printing. With the development of science and technology, the function of the paper cutter is more and more, the operation is more and more simple, the labor intensity is reduced, the cutting accuracy is very high, and it is safer. In the process of use, the following problems often occur. Below, taking the digital display paper cutter as an example, a simple analysis of the reasons why the digital display paper cutter's safety screw is easy to break.
1. The cutting edge of the blade is not sharp enough.
2. The sliders on the left and right sides of the knife seat are worn.
3. Do not tighten the safety screw often.
4. The mounting direction of the safety screw is wrong.
5. The two end faces connecting the safety screw are not flat because of deformation.
6. The blade cuts too deep into the blade or the blade is not flat.

In addition to the above reasons, there are also electrical reasons. In case of paper cutter failure, it should be resolved in time to avoid delaying normal production work.

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