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Precautions in Program-controlled Paper Cutter Storage and Transportation

  • Publish Time: 2019-12-20
  • Visit: 654
         As far as the program-controlled paper cutter is concerned, special attention must be paid to its storage and transportation, but many people may not know it well. Let's take a look.
        As far as the storage of the program-controlled paper cutter is concerned, we should choose some cool and dry places to store the blades of its paper cutter. The brush applies a thin layer of oil to and around its blade. When storing the paper cutter, we should preferably use the box provided by the supplier to ensure that the blade does not come into contact with any part of the box or between items.At the same time, we can also use foam plastic to pack its blades. Up, the support block inside the box must support it on the short axis at both ends of its blade, not on its blade.

        At the same time, when packing and cutting the program-controlled paper cutter, we can use some more suitable and sturdy boxes to load it. Only one paper cutter blade can be placed inside each box, and the surface must be wrapped. On plastic foam. It is also necessary to wrap it tightly with packing straps on the outside of the box. Relevant words such as "fragile parts" need to be noted on the surface of the box to ensure that the transportation personnel pay attention when transporting.

Safety control of program-controlled paper cutter operation
Program-controlled paper cutter is safe and efficient