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Paper cutters need to pay attention when using new blades

  • Publish Time: 2019-12-03
  • Visit: 656
         When the paper cutter cuts the paper, the blade can be said to be one of the more important parts. And when the blade is newly installed on the paper cutter, there will be some unsatisfactory situations, which requires an experienced operator to determine whether to perform maintenance.
         Generally, the normal paper cutter should be used in a humid or dusty environment, not only to prevent the cutter from rusting, but also to prevent the overall performance of the cutter from being affected. Secondly, lubricating oil should be regularly added to the moving part of the cutter. If the operation of the paper cutter is stopped, the blade should be protected against rust, such as applying an appropriate amount of anti-rust oil.

         Generally, the new blade of the paper cutter is used after being sharpened, and the newly installed blade sometimes has uneven cutting. In fact, this situation is normal, because there is still a small amount of iron filings on the sharpened blade, which usually disappears automatically after the paper cutter runs for a period of time.

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