Handbags, also known as hand bags, handbags, etc., are made of paper, plastic, non-woven fabrics and other general commodity paper bags. The rotary printing paper bag machine is mainly used to complete the production operation. This production method has high production efficiency, but its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the paper bag machine is rough and not refined. Exquisite shopping bags are mostly made of a single sheet of paper, then printed in color, and then pp-framed or bronzed. Finally, the paper bag factory performs manual or semi-automatic machine production, usually using manual stringing, knotting as a handle, and then making paper bags. The advantage of this shopping bag is that any shape of paper can be made into a portable paper bag. However, this production method has low production efficiency. This type of paper bag is mostly used for the packaging of some noble goods as a gift bag. Or as an advertising bag in some merchandise activities.
1. White cardboard bag
The tote bag made of white cardboard is one of the most high-end tote bags.Its characteristics are: the strength of the white cardboard tote is the highest among all tote bags. This is determined by the physical properties of the white cardboard. Designers generally Use this tote to hold high-end clothing or goods. Compared with the white paper bag, the white paper bag is more delicate and delicate. Therefore, the white paper bag is particularly elegant. White cardboard has good printing applicability, and designers can boldly apply a variety of design techniques (including color ideas). White cardboard tote bags are the most expensive of the tote bags.
2. White paper bag
White paper is also a common material for making handbags. White paper bags are strong enough to hold some products with a certain weight. Designers often use white paper for clothing tote bags. The specifications are usually folio or full-open tote bags. Because the printing applicability of white paper is general, it is more suitable for printing text, lines or color blocks. White paper is strong and can be uncoated, so it has a low cost and is a relatively affordable tote bag.
3.Coated paper tote
Select coated paper to make handbags, which is characterized by moderate fastness. Because the coated paper has high whiteness and gloss, and good printability, designers can boldly use various pictures and color blocks, and the advertising effect is good. After coated with a glossy or matte film on the surface of the coated paper, it not only has moisture-proof and durable functions, but also looks more delicate. Coated paper is one of the most popular materials for making handbags.
4.Kraft paper tote
Handbags made of kraft paper are characterized by greater fastness and lowest cost, and are generally used to hold common goods. Except for white kraft paper, the general kraft paper has a darker background. Therefore, it is more suitable to print dark text and lines, and some contrasting color blocks can also be designed. Kraft paper tote is generally the lowest cost tote without film.