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What is the reason why the cutter of the paper cutter is broken?

  • Publish Time: 2020-05-06
  • Visit: 638
        The choice of the sharpening angle of the blade of the paper cutter, the quality of the sharpening, and the time of the sharpening of the blade affect the flatness and smoothness of the cutting edge of the paper. The angle of the general blade is 19 °. If the cut paper is hard , You need to increase the angle of the blade. If you want to improve the quality of the blade, you must ensure that the coolant is sufficient to avoid the edge annealing. Before cutting, you can use a whetstone to grind the blade carefully and apply it to the blade. Soap and paraffin, not only can improve the sharpness and smoothness of the cutting edge, but also extend the life of the cutting edge, and the quality of the finished product is better.

        The reason why the chip collapse occurs in actual operation is because the operator shortens the sharpening time and the coolant is insufficient, causing the edge of the blade to anneal and the width is narrowed. The nut must be adjusted during installation to make the blade cut into the pad If the blade is not adjusted well and the cutting depth is too deep, it will cause chipping.

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