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What is the difference between a programmable paper cutter and a CNC paper cutter?

  • Publish Time: 2020-04-24
  • Visit: 605
        Program-controlled paper cutter: As the name implies, the whole process of paper cutting is automatically controlled by the computer. The cutting size is set. Pressing the operation button, the paper pushing and cutting are all controlled by the computer. It does not require manual operation. It is similar to a fully automatic washing machine.

        CNC paper cutter: As the name suggests, it is a paper cutter combined with digital display and infrared light control. Pushing and cutting still need manual operation, but because of the digital display of the cutting distance, the paper can be accurately pushed to the cutting position. Because it is manual operation, the safety performance requires the installation of infrared light control. When the hand or other parts of the human body enter the infrared scanning area, the cutter will automatically stop and the safety factor is extremely high.

How does the paper cutter work?
Teach you to operate the paper cutter correctly